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Relationship Goals

How many times have you seen the "perfect" picture of a couple on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #RelationshipGoals underneath it? At that moment I'm sure some ladies and maybe even some men thought to themselves "I want that" or 'if only my relationship can be like so". At some point we have all been guilty of that. With this era of social media, it brings up many expectations on how we are supposed be as couples and even accept certain habits/behaviors from others to only end up disappointed because it didn't turn out the way you thought and planned. Imagine this; Say you want to make some delicious lemonade...Would you pick a lemon from a tree that wasn't fully developed? Hard, small and just unsqueezable. How would that affect the taste of the lemonade if so? Wouldn't you rather wait until the Lemon was mature and at its sweetest to invest your time in making Lemonade? I don't know about you but I don't want to spend time and energy picking out Lemons to then taste the lemonade and even share it with others but then find out it's just terrible and sour no matter how much sugar you try to add. The key to that great lemonade was waiting for the Lemon to ripen in its due season, this is called delayed gratification which was reminded by Pastor Devon Franklin in the book The Wait. So us, individually, have to be patient before placing ourselves in relationships we simply weren't ready for. Vise versa, we sometimes tend to let people that aren't ready for us into our lives, in which can create a very sour lemonade and even leave us with the aftertaste. One big key I am learning is having #GodGoals in any of my relationships which simply means what He says I should have (not "the world") and it starts by putting trust in Him and fully commit to His word. By doing so, in return, you'll receive more than expected out of every area of our lives.  I was listening to Pastor @iammiketodd on Youtube last night and he reminded me of something very important, like a lightbulb in the cartoons. Mike pointed out Genesis 2:15, "The LORD God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it." Later on God gave Adam a suitable mate, Eve...(Genesis 2:22). So you see, first we have to learn what it is that God desires for us individually, yes alone but not lonely, look at the #GodGoals found in Genesis and really adjust our relationship goals. Adam was a complete man on his own, he had a duty, a place and most importantly God...aka he had his iiissshhh in order because of his complete trust in the Creator. After all was done, God blessed both Adam and Eve with each other, whole, to take care of the garden together as equals. This image of #RelationshipGoals has created jealousy and a falsehood which does not come from God (for example, 'being there for your man through indecisiveness to commitment, women not setting core standards because of fear of losing that man' etc..the list goes on and I'm not judging because this is the cultures doing in shaping what is 'okay) God has so much in store for our relationships. Look at the real goals God has for us in our relationships. Which starts first by having a relationship with Him. Just like Adam, God will set you all up before you get a mate. So be patient for the man or women He has in store. Remember God will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4), we just need to learn to first be in glee with God.

This goes for any and every relationship.

Ladies remember "He who finds a wife finds a good thing" (Proverbs 18:22), you are a wife when he meets you.
