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The Truth Shall Set You Free

Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the princess of a town called Grace...

I cannot believe my last blog was eight years ago! So much has happened since, life is unpredictable to say the least but God is faithful. Here is the long story, short story version of my last eight years; Moved back to the states from Germany after being an Army wife for 5 years, got the big D, get your mind out the gutter ooookkuurr..yep I got a divorce! Something that you just don't plan for when you get married at 18.... So here I am a single mom of two wonderful, handsome, cool, boys! In the midst of it all, I began working on my Associates degree while pursuing modeling in which has been a journey as a Christian women, while of course bringing home the vegan bacon! During the D, I got into a rollercoaster relationship with..well let's just call him Thomas, like I said, while in the process of still getting divorced, so give us some credit here.  We loved each other truly, deeply, waoh the connection was amazing, fondue with a glass of champagne good! Which lasted two years as of almost three weeks ago (Dec 19th, 2017). Ppphhfff I can write that without crying like a fat kid without cake, big girl step right there! Even tho this might be too soon to write, I'm heartbroken at the way things ended, to say the least because we had zero closure, nada zip. I was able to love that much and that is a blessing, I am not an Alien! In all seriousness, one thing that He pointed out from the heartbreak is that Jesus suffered way more than me on that cross and oddly me "suffering" from the pain that has been caused makes me happy that I can share a moment of humility with Him. How you are wondering? Well from this sticky note that I had written at work it says "The heartache of anything that breaks us down, gives me a reminder of how much He suffers when we reject him (so many rejections). So in a way, I feel his pain by .0000000000000000000000000000001 percent. Jesus had to do it for the whole world.  Waoh! Holy pain! There are moments I could barely handle this heartache, but that's exactly where my strength comes from. Okay so now that you're all caught up with my life with a lot left out (for other blogs) we can move on to the real story here! How Im I not under a rock somewhere?..i'll tell ya, one word, five syllables, yep you guessed it vodka, sorry I mean GRACE. In which means God's favor in my life over and over and over and get the point. He has me under His wing, Im not trying to sound cocky but the more I mature in my faith, the more I become wiser, aware that certain things have to happen in which can cause dying like pain only to help you gain wisdom. He showed strength, humility, grace, forgiveness, patience and love, all while been hung for our lives sake on that cross. So you know what, yes I felt pain but I know it's for a bigger purpose and with God's guidance I shall too overcome and see His glory in these next few steps of my journey. So this is my truth, not many like to be open with such a vulnerable subject but that's the beauty of life, sharing moments of vulnerability to shine the light back to God the one dusting my knees off and guiding me towards what he has in store. 

Life is short and so are long walks on the beach, so enjoy the sand between your toes!

With love, your not so anonymous Daughter of The King!
